~ Merry Christmas


Dear customers, dear partners,
Dear colleagues,

The year 2023 is slowly drawing to a close. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty and commitment to working with us. We wish you and your families good health, happiness and success in the new year. We will continue to be there for you in 2024 and will be happy to support you with our expertise.

FMBE donates again to regional association

FMBE again supports regional association The end of 2022 is in sight and Christmas is fast approaching. For many people, this is a time to actively reflect on tradition and family. In particular in the Advent season one thinks back gladly to the lived tradition. Christmas baking, the lighting of Advent candles, [...]

Supporting regional associations in the crisis

The year 2021 again demanded a lot from us: Corona measures and contact restrictions, home office and home schooling and last but not least the vaccination debate tug at our nerves. Although we are probably all feeling the effects of this crisis, it is hitting some harder than others. For this reason, we would like to continue our Christmas tradition in 2021 [...].